Hot Off The Press 

Chino, California -- January 11, 1998
SATERN Coordinating Committee Rrivrside/San Bernardino County
Summary of the 4 January 1999 SATERN Committee meeting.
Attendees: Tony, KE6JZF; Jack, KF6DMM; Larry, KF6LVE
Missing: Mike, WB9MJQ (in Chicago); Larry, WA6ZJB, (medical)
January 4, meeting Agenda with comments:
1.  January 30 Seminar.

Tony reviewed the progress of the seminar.  It was agreed that sign in sheets would not be used, rather slips would be in each hand-out so that those interested in more information about SATERN could fill them out and turn them in. Press releases have gone out to eleven papers in locations where the Salvation Army has Corps presence. We are now taking reservations for the Seminar to get a handle on projected attendance. Tony also has 40 flyers ready to mail out to people and organizations who have helped us in the past. These flyers were mailed out the next day, January 5.

2.  SATERN First Response Procedure

The SATERN First Response Outline Draft was distrubuted by Tony for review. It was decided after discussion thet a special meeting for this topic should be scheduled at the next Council meeting after the Seminar is concluded. In the meantime Council members are to review the draft and prepare supporting ideas or alternatives leading to a SATERN First Response document for distribution.

3. SATERN Web site

Web site review: Issue of how the web site should be kept current and by whom is still not resolved. A person with web access to monitor and initiative to make necessary corrections or changes is needed. This issue was resolved the next day. We wnnt to thank David KF6OQK for reviewing and updateing the Web Site. Outstanding job David. Thank You

4.  IECARO meeting Jan 9 -- Elected officers

Reviewed the process  that was  used for the council FCC license position paper. If we get into this type of position again a little more thought would be put into how the inputs would be handled. The Council FCC license position paper which was submitted was handed out. The paper had a para. in it stating which Organizations took exceptions to the paper. Their were four, Crest REACT, Inland Empire Amateur Radio Club, Inland Valley Schools Amateur Radio Club and our SATERN Section.


Our IECARO dues are due for this year.


Conference schedule

Leadership some time in April

Editors, Sometime in June

Annual Breakfast, Sometime in November.


The Council has to start thinking about the 2001 ARRL conference and setting it up.A committee of three  was chosen for developing preliminary plan, e.g., chairman, preliminary budget, ticket cost, raffle tickets, promotion plan, committee assignments.


The IECARO raffle which there will be two this year. A buck per change. The first raffle the winner will have their choice of a HF type of prize or a UHF/VHF type of prize. The cost of either one would be about the same. Also we will know what the prizes are before selling tickets.


Larry KF6LVE has been representing SATERN at Passcom,  which is the San Gorgonio Pass Emergency Services Committee in Riverside County.  This is a Banning/Beaumont volunteer organization that includes fire, police, and utility representation.

Passcom Update:  December 9th Meeting was held at Sizzlers in Banning.    A Terrorist Class is scheduled for January 7th at the Palm Desert City Hall. Call 760-863-8318 for reservations.

A Y2K class is scheduled for January 12th at 1900 hours at the Beaumont City Hall.

PASSCOM Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesdays at 0830 hours at the Gas Company in Beaumont.


No date has been set for the next general meeting.

8. Antenna installation status:

Banning antenna status reported as installed and tested. Tony motored between Hemet, Perris, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ontario stopping at each Corps office to confirm contact with Banning using HT¦s and installed antennas. Contact was made with all but Riverside. The Riverside site requires further investigation.

We still need a test from Banning and the Cathedral City Corps, Anybody going out that way and wants to stop at the Cathedral City Corps and do a test let us know. SATERN has completed VHF antenna installations at the San Bernardino Corps, as well as Cathedral City, Riverside, Hemet, Perris, Banning, Ontario, and the Corona Shelter.  The next two locations on our schedule are Redlands and Victorville.   Tony will follow up on antenna installations at Victorville and Redlands now that the holidays are passed.

After the next committee meeting, we'll give a brief summary of committee actions on the next regularly scheduled net, and follow that up by e-mail with a more detailed review of committee actions and SATERN activities.

We hope you're interested in keeping abreast of what's going on in the committee meetings, and other SATERN activities, and if you have any questions about any of this, drop us an e-mail or call any of the committee members by phone.

SATERN Committee member