Hot Off The Press 

Chino, California -- February 9, 1998
SATERN Coordinating Committee Rrivrside/San Bernardino County
Summary of the 1 February 1999 SATERN Committee meeting.


Attendees: Tony, KE6JZF; Jack, KF6DMM; Larry, KF6LVE; Mike, WB9MJQ
Missing: Larry, WA6ZJB, (medical)


February 1, meeting Agenda with comments:


1.  January 30 Seminar.

All agreed that the Seminar was a success.  Thank you letters will be going out within the week to Major Fritz, Bob Turner (Boy Scouts), Jerry VerDuft, and James Pike.   There were approx. 40 people at the seminar Special thanks to Major Fritz, San Bernardino Corps officer Special thanks to the Boy Scouts that helped out and made lunch.


Special thanks to Jerry VerDuft AD0A, great NTS presentation.  Special thanks to James Pike, showed us all how to make the copper "J" pole.  Special thanks to our own SATERN member Jack, KF6DMM for his SATERN  presentation.  Last but not least, a special thanks to all that showed up, hope you all got something out of it.


2.  SATERN First Response Procedure

The SATERN First Response Second Draft was distributed by Larry KF6LVE for review. It was decided  that we will have a working review meeting the last week of this month (Feb.) also we will dedicate the majority of  March committee meeting to the First Response Procedure.


3. SATERN Web site

We want to thank David KF6OQK for his continuous reviewing and updating  of the Web Site.  An action item was given to ask David that during his reviews that any outdated materials be removed at his discretion.


4. The Salvation Army Inland Empire Coordinating Council

The council meets every two months.  The next scheduled meeting was to be Feb. 16, however this meeting has been rescheduled to  April 20.


5. Inland Empire Council of Amateur Radio Organizations

IECARO meeting Jan 9 SATERN dues are due, Tony KE6JZF will follow up on this. Next SATERN council meeting, we will be discussing what roll SATERN will be taking in the 2001 ARRL conference. The last ARRL conference, IECARO required $200 seed money from the   participating groups, noting because of the success of the conference each group received about $1000 back.  Our SATERN section does not require dues so no $ input, anyway we will be reviewing our options as to SATERN involvement.


BREAK!!!  N6RPG (IECARO conference committee member) has stated that there may not be any seed money required this year because IECARO may have enough of the green stuff already.  The IECARO raffle which there will be two this year. A buck per change. The first raffle the winner will have their choice of a HF type of prize or a UHF/VHF type of prize. The cost of either one would be about the same.  Also we will know what the prizes are before selling tickets.



Larry KF6LVE has been representing SATERN at Passcom,  which is the San Gorgonio Pass Emergency Services Committee in Riverside County.  This is a Banning/Beaumont volunteer organization that includes fire, police, and utility representation. Passcom Update:  January Meeting ESD announces that tornadoes have caught their attention and they are not really prepared to respond to them.



SATERN will host the Feb. 27 council meeting at the Ontario Corps. The January 23 council meeting.  Generally the meeting was an open discussion covering the West End Councils web site, Net Control Operations and just general radio stuff.


8. Antenna installation status:

SATERN has completed VHF antenna installations at the San  Bernardino Corps, as well as Cathedral City, Riverside, Hemet, Perris, Banning, Ontario, and the Corona Shelter.  The next two locations on our schedule are Redlands and Victorville. 


Tony contacted Major Bowman at Redlands and reiterated that we would mount the antenna at our cost and when he received approval he could reimburse us. Major Bowman’s response was that he was still interested in the antenna but he had an architect on his advisory board who was concerned about the physical installation on the building.


In discussing the impass, we concluded they do not understand our proposed installation method. Conceivably they are envisioning a steel tower rising several feet from their roof. The action to resolve is to take a picture of a similar installation or at least the antenna, call the Major and ask  to meet with him and the architect to discuss what approach would be  acceptable to them knowing then what we proposed.  Determine if we can meet their requirements.  Victorville was not pursued during the holidays. Tony will renew contact before the next council meeting.


We still need a test from Banning and the Cathedral City Corps, Anybody going out that way and wants to stop at the Cathedral City Corps and do a test let us know.


9. Next SATERN Event:

All hands on site communications  and message handling drill exercise. Tentatively set for Saturday, July 31 1999.  We will need everyone for this one.


10. After the next committee meeting, we'll give a brief summary of committee actions on the next regularly scheduled net, and follow that up by e-mail with a more detailed review of committee actions and SATERN activities.


11. We hope you're interested in keeping abreast of what's going on in the committee meetings, and other SATERN activities, and if you have any questions about any of this, drop us an e-mail or call any of the committee members by phone.


SATERN Committee member